Find out what each member of the team do and how they can help you

Em Pearson
Em PearsonProject Worker
Em works on consultations with Asking You! After volunteering with us for many years, Em became a paid staff member in 2021.
Imogen Day
Imogen DayProject Coordinator
Imogen joined our team in late 2022. She is in the same role for CHANGE too. She used to work for The Advonet Group as a Universal Advocate.
Jimmy Knott
Jimmy KnottTeam Leader
Jimmy is our Team Leader, supporting our team. Before joining us, he used to work as a Universal Advocate for The Advonet Group.
Kenneth Fletcher
Kenneth FletcherProject Worker
Kenneth joined our team as a Project Worker in early 2022. He worked as a volunteer with us before then and has also been involved with CHANGE.
Sam Pidgeon
Sam PidgeonVolunteer Coordinator
Sam supports all of our volunteers, including Citizen Advocates. He is also Coordinator for Bradford and Craven Autism AIM.