The next Leeds Learning Disability People’s Parliament meeting will be about Being Well. At the meeting, we will have guest speakers talking about health for adults with a learning disability in Leeds.

It will start at the later time of 10:30am. This is so people who want to get there by bus can use their disabled or older person’s bus passes to travel for free.

What’s happening?

After a welcome from People’s Parliament Co-Chair Em Pearson, we will have some short talks.

The first one is from Kathleen. She is from the local NHS’s Patient, Carer and Public Involvement Team. She will be talking about the Shakespeare Walk-In Centre’s More Choice, More Control work.

Next, Kit McGowan, a Learning Disability Nurse with the Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT), will be talking about their Cervical Screening Project.

After a 15-minute break, we will hear from Shaun Webster MBE and Sophie France. They will talk about Long Covid.

At the end, Nick Millington will talk about the Walk It Ride It campaign to get more people to walk or ride bicycles to stay healthy.

An Easy Read version of the agenda is available as a PDF. To download it, please click on the button below.

When is the meeting?

The meeting is on Tuesday 26th November. It starts at 10:30am for signing in and the meeting proper begins at 10:50am.

The meeting then finishes at 1pm for lunch. Lunch will be provided for visitors.

Please note that this meeting is for adults with a learning disability who live in Leeds.

If you would like to come or get more information about the People’s Parliament, please either:

  • Email us at [email protected], or;
  • call The Advonet Group’s office on 0113 244 0606 and ask for either Alex Toothill or Imogen Day.